Social Crypto-Earning and NFTs with Pixie
Social Media websites and different apps have been integral part of our life nowadays. Socail media websites plays a vital role in day to day life of people these days. Why wouldn't it be a Part of our life as it is the medium for entertainment, information, marketing and many more which connects each and every aspect of our life.
With the revolution and evolution in internet and different social media trends the concept of the term Web 3.0 is gaining popularity day by day. With this concept a new form of social media presence can be made online where you can post different day to day activities along with different
What is Pixie?
Pixie is the world’s first fully-functional decentralized photo and video sharing social network based on blockchain cryptoeconomics.
Pixie rewards social activities, such as posting, liking, and reposting with cryptocurrency PIX, through which users can manage and share platform’s profits together.
Earn More Cryptocurrency PIX
Higher-quality content earns more PIX. Earlier likes and reposts of quality content will receive more PIX. Users with more Weight (user influence) will receive more PIX for social activities.
NFT in Pixie
NFT technology is growing and expanding day by day, Pixie ensures that its users obtain ownership of their digital content. Blockchain technology ensures that a more accurate pricing mechanism of NFT digital content and more reliable social activity data can be both achieved in Pixie
What are the different Wallet Supported by Pixie?
MetaMask : Start exploring blockchain applications in seconds. Trusted by over 1 million users worldwide.
imToken : imToken is a Safe and Simple light-wallet, which supports multi-chains, DApps, HDWallet,etc
Tokenpocket : Multi-chain, security and convenience, the portal of DApp